Panic attacks are just loads of fun right? Of course not.
Listen, I know. I have personally been there. For months I experienced daily panic attacks, intense anxiety, irrational fears and episodes of DPDR. Now I share on my blog all the things I did to heal and bring my nervous system back into regulation (a calm and peaceful state).
That’s why I’m going to share with you a mantra, which by definition is just a word or phrase that can help ground you into the present moment. This is incredibly helpful when panic attacks arise, but mantras can also be really helpful during times of intense anxiety or episodes of DPDR.
But first I want to explain what’s actually happening in your body when you are experiencing a panic attack.
In my experience, once I understood what was happening when I was having a panic attack, I was equipped with the knowledge that what was happening to me was nothing to be afraid of.
With this understanding I was able to work on healing and getting over them a lot faster and more effectively. (This same concept applies to DPDR)
So, what is happening during a panic attack?
When you are experiencing a panic attack your brain has perceived something that wasn’t an actual threat as a threat. Basically, the stress response is now a little off.
Your brain really can’t tell the difference between being overstressed and over stimulated by work, life or anything else and a real threat to your safety like a bear about to attack you.
When you are experiencing a panic attack the brain is literally just doing what it was wired to do, and that is keep you safe and alive.
The amygdala or the alarm center in the brain perceived a threat and sent the alarm bells ringing, your adrenal glands then release adrenaline into your veins so you can either fight off the bear or run from it.
Understanding that your body is doing its job rather than trying to make you uncomfortable is the basis you can work of off. Now you know that simply the stress response needs a little work to stop overreacting to stressors.
Responding this way simply means that the nervous system is a little dysregulated and your body and nervous system just need a little help getting back into regulation.
This is where a Mantra comes in:
Mantra for Anxiety
A mantra is just a word or phrase that brings you back into the present moment and can ground you during times of anxiety and panic. They work to bring your mind of off the uncomfortable and scary symptoms of anxiety and panic and onto peaceful, calming thoughts and feelings.
So, for me whenever a panic attack would arise or I would start to feel the anxiety buildup in my chest I would take a breath, place one hand over my heart and the other on my belly and repeat phrases like “I always return to baseline. My body always returns to a state of peace and calm” which means that the panic attack will subside because it always does, no one has ever had a panic attack last forever. That can be a major fear for those experiencing panic attacks, and this fear alone is enough to escalate the panic attack even more.
I also liked this one “I’ve made it through this before I can do it again” or simply “I can do hard things”
When the fear would really strike, I love this verse “For God did not give me a spirit of fear but one of power love and a sound mind” my therapist shared this one with me and I loved it. There were times where I would just pace the floors repeating this over and over.
The goal with these phrases is to get your mind off of what’s happening to you and onto the words that you’re saying and the meaning of the words you are repeating.
Pattern Breakers
These phrases can also be used as pattern breakers. Pattern breakers are anything that gets your mind off of your symptoms and onto literally anything else by disrupting the anxiety and panic cycle. Instead of negatively reinforcing the symptoms and fears of anxiety and panic, pattern breakers work to rewire the brain and body for balance.
Pattern breakers work best during the first 7 seconds after the first sign of panic arises. The first seven seconds are the most important time to either escalate or deescalate the panic attack and anxiety symptoms. Pattern breakers are great tools to deescalate anxiety and rewire an anxious brain to a more calm and centered brain and nervous system.
Start Now
So go ahead and write these phrases down in a notebook or somewhere easily accessible on your phone for when panic and anxiety arise. Pull them out and start repeating them out loud or in your head the minute you feel the slightest symptom begin.
Feel free to even come up with your own phrase, the more personal the better it will work for you! Let me know if you give this technique a try and how it works for you!
Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you have any medical or psychiatric concerns, please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Related content:
- Grounding/Earthing: How it’s helpful for anxiety and nervous system regulation
- Existential OCD Intrusive Thoughts can be Scary Symptoms of DPDR
- Use This Mantra to Ground You During a Panic Attack
- 2 Essential oils for Anxiety, Panic and DPDR.
- Movement is Medicine: Breaking free from anxiety by moving the body